Benefits of AI-powered task mining

Icon illustrating hand-free automation

Automatic process discovery

Absolutely no manual effort is required to understand all the tasks, workflows, variants, and exceptions in your teams’ work.
Icon of a clock

One-week turnaround

Mimica generates process maps in one week, so you can better understand as-is processes and take immediate action to improve them.
Icon showing upward growth chart

Automation recommendations

With process intelligence metrics like employee time spent, automatability, and ease-of-automation, you can prioritize high-ROI transformation and automation activities.
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World-class data security & privacy

All captured data is anonymized. All users have full control of what gets recorded and when.

Discover how work gets done across your business

Manual process discovery is now a thing of the past. Mimica mines employee click and keystroke data in search of inefficiencies and high-ROI automation opportunities. Mimica deploys across teams, automatically categorizes all of their tasks (including variants and exceptions), measures time spent, then delivers an accurate process map of how work is done in your organization.

A Mimica process map showing a BPMN workflow.Mimica logo icon
Illustration of Mimica dashboardMimica logo icon
Pop-up showing a task with high automatability
Pop-up showing a task with high ease of automation

Process intelligence lets you focus on high-ROI opportunities

With Mimica, business transformation teams can prioritize opportunities based on time savings and ease of automation. This data provides a roadmap for process improvement, standardization, systems migration, robotic process automation, GenAI, and digital transformation.

Deploy automation 10x faster

Mimica generates accurate process documentation in one week, dramatically reducing time-to-deploy for automation projects. Accurate process definition documentation (PDD) also accelerates development time by up to 40%.

Chart showing tasks mapped against time-saving benefits and ease of automationMimica logo icon
Wallet icon
annual FTE savings
Success icon
deploy success rate
Stopwatch icon
“Mimica Mapper is easy to use and also the output is more accurate than any other process discovery tools.”
Jagruti Dama
Business Analyst, Hexaware
“[We] have compared/contrasted their solutions to key competitors and the sum of it is nobody can do what they can do which is capture/discover and “mimic” users tasks accurately and perfectly every time.”
Michael Shepherd
Distinguished Engineer, Artificial Intelligence
“Requirements gathering for RPA can and should be automated and Mimica is the clear leader in this space.”
Michael Harrison
Process Engineer, Wilson Perumal & Company

Our long-term vision

Mimica is building AI that watches you do repetitive computer tasks and learns to execute them for you.
Learn more

Automate at scale with task mining and process intelligence.