Accelerating the deployment of RPA with AI

Which processes should I automate? What are the process exceptions and variants? Mimica Miner and Mimica Mapper were built to answer these questions. In combination, our task mining toolset dramatically accelerates automation deployments, allowing companies to automate up to 10x as much work annually.

Our solution goes to the source: the process itself.

Mimica sits on the employee’s computer and observes the work directly for 1-2 weeks. It analyzes the data, categorizes the work into processes and highlights the best candidates for automation. The output is an interactive procedure design document (PDD) that contains high-level complexity metrics and a low-level process map of all recorded variations and exceptions.


Process Discovery, done.

Miner discovers the most automatable parts of a team’s work. It sits on an employee’s computer for 1 week and automatically categorizes their tasks into named processes. Miner cuts through the noise to tell you how much time is spent in each process, and how automatable it is, focusing your process automation efforts and maximizing ROI.

Illustration of Mimica dashboardMimica logo icon
Pop-up showing a task with high automatability
Pop-up showing a task with high ease of automation
time saved manually interviewing SMEs and asking them what is automatable
number of machines you can simultaneously deploy Miner on with a single click
automation opportunities found when using Miner vs other approaches
improvement in ROI by prioritizing the best opportunities

MADE FOR Intelligent automation LEADERS

Find the best opportunities for automation

Record all applications used in your process, including Citrix and Mainframe.
Automatically discover the best opportunities for automation with no manual effort.
Data security and privacy are paramount; all data is anonymized and retained on-premise.
Mimica logo icon
A popup addition for a map image
Image of Mimica platform, illustrating a pop-out map window


Process Mapping, done.

Mapper automatically generates complete blueprints for bots that contain all the information needed to develop the automation. In 1 week, business analysts and developers get an end-to-end process map containing all decision points, business rules, exceptions and variants in the process. The aggregated process map is generated using production data, eliminating the need for cyclical discussions and iterative testing.

time saved interviewing SMEs and creating process documentation
reduction development time, as accurate process flow is provided
reduction in hypercare due to precise process capture
bots in production in the time it takes to build 1 bot

MADE FOR process excellence LEADERS

Automatically generate blueprints for bots

Export a complete process map in 1 week that contains everything a developer needs to build the automation.
Find more reliability in our process maps, which exclude low-level clicks and navigation steps.
Identify your as-is process and build your target state process with three hierarchies of detail.
“Mimica Mapper is easy to use and also the output is more accurate than any other process discovery tools.”
Jagruti Dama
Business Analyst, Hexaware
“[We] have compared/contrasted their solutions to key competitors and the sum of it is nobody can do what they can do which is capture/discover and “mimic” users tasks accurately and perfectly every time.”
Michael Shepherd
Distinguished Engineer, Artificial Intelligence
“Requirements gathering for RPA can and should be automated and Mimica is the clear leader in this space.”
Michael Harrison
Process Engineer, Wilson Perumal & Company

Automate at scale with task mining and process intelligence.